Every day, on average, a person comes across 4,000 to 10,000 ads!
How would you stand out?
How would you impress an audience so overwhelmingly bombarded with ads that they have grown entirely insensitive? Or worse, they have become completely averse to ads (ad-lergic) and are using ad-blocking software.
Augmented Reality Advertisements and 3D advertisements are the way to go. They are the inevitable future of advertising that will take over the advertising space because of their unique offering, i.e., immersive content with interactivity.
These ads catch users’ attention, engage them, and reach the deepest level of cognition to connect. These deep cognitive connections stay long with the audience powering your brand recall to the fullest.
In fact, businesses that deployed immersive ads into their marketing mix are already witnessing unprecedented success. They see higher brand engagement, high purchase intent, less product return, a higher ROAS, and much more compared to any other traditional, non-interactive way of advertising, thereby gaining a clear-cut competitive advantage over others.
What are AR and 3D ads?
What are they capable of?
How do they benefit your business?
How do you create and deploy these ads?
We will answer all these questions in this blog post. You better stay on if you want to gear up your marketing arsenal.
What are AR Ads?
AR Ads, also known as Augmented Reality Ads, can be defined as an ad unit that uses a camera to overlay highly interactive virtual objects or 3D models, for example, onto the face of a person to enable a “try before you buy” experience in real-time.
AR advertisements offer immersive interaction between users and your brand. They are super easy to deploy, especially with the Vossle platform , as we will see in the later sections. Plus, your audience can access them without any hassle.
All you need to do is, simply, embed the AR ad into a webpage on an ad unit, and as soon as the website visitors land on the webpage, the user can instantly interact with the experience.
AR ads work on every device. No need for high computation power or any additional machinery, just pure and smooth AR-backed market activation that brings high-quality user engagement and impactful brand awareness.
What happens when AR Ads are implemented?
As soon as the AR ad gets activated, it initiates an AI-based environment and facial tracking that uses the device’s camera, which could be a smartphone, a tablet, or a laptop. Once it finds the object it is programmed for, it overlays that object with digital elements. This object could be anything: the user, the environment around them, or the product itself.
This creates an experience in which the users interact with the digital object, which most users have never experienced before.
This is surely going to release a lot of ‘happy hormones’ making users appreciate your brand for its exceptional efforts and for delivering an experience they loved. They would also like to explore more about you and your offering, curious about what else you can offer to make their day.
I know you would like to know more about AR. Be assured, we will tell you more about its benefits in the latter part of this blog. Meanwhile, let’s explore 3D advertisements first.
What are 3D Ads?
3D Ads, also known as 3D Advertising, can be defined as a type of ad unit that displays highly interactive 3D models. 3D advertisements allow users to zoom in and out of the product and rotate from side to side and top to bottom to have a 360° view.
What happens when 3D Ads are implemented?
Vossle’s allows you to create 3D Ads that can be embedded in any ad unit, just like any other digital ad. When the user lands on the page, they can see the digital 3D model of the product as if the real thing is right there.
They can see what it looks like, rotate it to different sides, zoom in and out, and get a detailed look. They may even change their color and other aspects as per the functionality you choose to provide.
All these interactions with the product offer better insights to the customer, making them more confident about it.
The outcome, you gain the trust of the customer, leading to higher sales numbers and business growth.
By now, no wonder you would want 3D and AR ads for your business too, given the huge impact they make. But how do you get started?
Should you utilize platforms like Spark AR and Snap AR that are only limited to the associated platform? Or do you partner with a few chosen agencies having access to Google Swirl who may charge exorbitant fees for their artificial privilege?
I tell you what you should do, just go to vossle.com, register for free, and start making your immersive and interactive ads right away. Sounds too good to be true? Read ahead and you would believe me.
Vossle, the easiest, fastest, and perfect platform to create AR & 3D advertisements
At first glance, it might appear that creating AR & 3D ads is a complex process.
Creating AR & 3D Ads used to be complex a few years back until Vossle decided to introduce the feature in their platform.
What is Vossle, you may ask?
Well, Vossle is a cloud-based SAAS platform where you can create web-based AR experiences with just a few clicks. There is no need to write even a single line of code or download any application. Just pick your choice of experience, upload your 3D model, and fill in the details-that’s it!
Also worth noting is that before Vossle, businesses had very limited choices when it came to creating AR and 3D advertisements. They had to rely only on Google Swirl, Snap AR Lens Studio, and Meta Spark Studio for their 3D campaigns, and these platforms had and have a lot of limitations, such as:
- Google Swirl is limited to only mobile web, this narrows down the options for businesses.
- Google Swirl 3D ads are limited to certain regions only.
- The 3D experiences developed on Google Swirl have limited interactivity namely zooming and scrolling, while Vossle lets you combine both AR and 3D ads into one and make it way more interactive.
- Even if the platforms like Snap AR Lens Studio and Meta Spark Studio let you create AR ads, these experiences are limited to their associated platform, Snapchat for Lens Studio and Facebook and Instagram for Spark Studio. On the other hand, Vossle-developed AR is shareable across platforms and regions.
Vossle is a first-of-its-kind 3D-AR ad experience creation platform that overcomes all these limitations. For example, unlike Google Swirl, anyone can create 3D and AR advertising experiences by following a few easy and intuitive steps.
The resulting ad experiences possess high interactivity and could be deployed globally to any audience. See the comparison table below.
On top of it, partnering with Vossle brings an added advantage.
The Added Advantage of Vossle
Vossle is a great platform for not only advertisers but also for publishers, who reap the benefits by publishing these ads on their websites. That is why an increasing number of publishers are collaborating with us to get an AR or 3D ad unit activated on their websites.
So, when you join our platform, you get access to an ever-increasing list of publishers, always ready to publish your ad. Here is your chance to take control and publish your ad on your terms.
Benefits of AR Advertisement & 3D Advertisement to the Publishers
Higher CTRs
Immersive ads improve clickthrough rates (CTRs) in PPC ad campaigns, which results in more income for the publishers.
Better CPMs
Immersive advertisements command more viewership than other ads. AR ads are 90 times more engaging than text ads. This increases the CPM, enabling the publishers to pitch for higher rates, resulting in, again, more income.
Better Audience Retention
“Memory encoding is 70% higher with AR”
The playful interaction with the digital elements keeps the user hooked on the ad for a longer session. They keep on exploring and iterating to quench their curiosity while having fun with it.
Remember, up until now, only publishers and platforms had a say in an advertisement campaign. Vossle has turned the tables on both participants.
First, its AR platform is readily available to anyone who wants to create. Second, partnering with Vossle places advertisers in a controlling position where they are given multiple options for the publishing platform.
There are many more benefits to AR and 3D advertising, as we will see in the next section.
Benefits of AR Ads and 3D Ads to Businesses
Clear Product Interaction to build trust with the audience
AR advertisements result in more sales conversion by up to 40%.
The ease of accessibility to the ad and the level of clear communication they sustain builds strong trust in the eyes of users. This leads to higher purchase intent and faster yet business-favoring decision-making by the user. In short, higher conversion rate than any other type of ad. This also means that you get a much better ROI with AR & 3D advertisement than with other advertising methods.
Moreover, it strengthens brand recall by staying in the minds of users long after interaction with the ad. Thus, paving the way for future sales as well. All this through a single point of contact — the ad unit on a webpage.
Competitive Advantage
“AR-based product interactions result in a 94% higher conversion rate”
Isn’t it absolutely obvious that deploying AR ads and 3D ads will bring you way better prospects than your competitors, who are still stuck in medieval, non-interactive, two-dimensional advertising campaigns?
Immersive ads include live 3D models with real-time interactivity, which is way more visually appealing and attention-grabbing than traditional 2D ads.
Product Visualization Lowers Product Returns
“Immersive Ads reduce product return by up to 40%.”
With clear and immersive product visualization, users reach higher emotional and logical certainty with the product. Not only does this improve the conversion rate but it also reduces the chance of them returning the product. This is a huge impact given that, in 2022, total returns accounted for $816 billion in U.S. retailers.
Bring back the Social Component in Online Shopping
Vossle offers an exclusive online shopping experience that no other Ad platform provides.
It achieves this by allowing users to share their experiences with others. Users can take a picture while digitally interacting with the ad unit and send it to their peers to have their views and initiate social interaction.
Increased Session Duration through Positive Brand Interaction
“AR is 90X more engaging than text and 7.25 times the videos”
Users stay glued to the advertisement unit for longer sessions thanks to the unique and playful experience and develop a more profound attachment to the brand.
This improves CTR. More people watching and interacting with your ad means more people are going to click on the ad to know more about you.
Measurable results for a focused approach
You can precisely track and analyze your ad’s impact through immaculate data gathering on engagement, conversion rates, ROI, ROAS, and other key performance indicators of your ad campaigns. This way you would reach your customer better with improved and personalized services and solutions.
In a world driven by ad-based revenue models, it is obvious that users will be fed with an overwhelming amount of advertisements on a daily basis. This makes it extremely difficult for brands to stand apart in the market.
The only solution is to adopt the latest technology before others and execute it while they are still pondering.
Immersive ads like AR Ads and 3D Advertisements are one such rare opportunity that technological advancements like the Vossle platform have made accessible to you.
Using the platform before others and incorporating the ads into your marketing mix will not only give you a lead but also genuinely contribute to your business growth. Now, it just remains to be seen who moves first, you or the other thousands of businesses reading this blog right now.
Originally published at https://vossle.com on February 9, 2023.